Month: June 2016

Blockchain for President

Fairness & Accountability Across the modern world, Democratic governments place the control of their countries in citizens hands. In recent years however, a disquiet has been growing in many nations. […]

Does Blockchain tech require trust after all?

Downward DAO An unknown individual absconded with $60 million dollars worth of Ethereum from the DAO last week. Early reports treated the disappearance of these funds as theft, but the […]

Up, Up, and Away!

Bitcoin has had a better year than Netflix, Facebook, Apple, Disney, Microsoft, Exxon, and Amazon combined. With a rise of 200%+ in value over the past twelve months, the second […]

The Halvening 2: This time, its personal.

Where were you the first time the block reward halved? November 2012: the ‘before times’, long preceding the date most present-day Bitcoiners joined the community. For many, 25 coins per […]

Decentralize all the things!

Centralized establishments have long devalued the input of individuals, skewing the balance of power in favor of government and corporate influence. The decentralization movement now has the power to challenge […]